Rainbow Bridge

Do you know now that I must be going? To a place full of happy memories.
In an emerald meadow by a Rainbow Bridge. You can hear heaven's anthem on the breeze.

Well, a heavenly light falls around me. In a twinkling my youth has been restored.
Over green hills and valleys once again I roam free.
Like the days when on eagle's wing we soared.

I'm surrounded by many companions. And together we pass our pleasant days.
Every need is provided, there is nothing I lack.

Save for you to whose memory my heart strays.
When you're heaven-bound. There's a place you pass through.
Called the Rainbow Bridge,I'll be waiting there for you.
Yes, I'll be waiting for you. With a heart that's tried and true, Till the day I can feel , once again, Your arms around me.

Fare thee well now for I must be going. Dry your tears, no you must not cry for me.
Till the day that we meet again at long journey's end.

At the Rainbow Bridge, You know that's where I'll be.
At the Rainbow Bridge, This heart waits faithfully.

Rainbow Bridge - Emi Fujita

狗仔永遠係人最忠心既好朋友 ,永遠最真摯,最不離不棄 。
30-11-2008 May my little Tobi rest in rainbow bridge.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

Dessert & Desert

我發現自己到今時今日仲成日撈亂 Dessert & Desert!!! @_@




新郎說: 「我要籍著我們的婚禮感謝我妻子的兩個前夫:是因為她的第一位前夫,才令我妻子脫除去了少女的愚昧,變得成熟。 卻又是因為


why care about it?

"為什麼你要在乎 ?" 有時, 從友人的一句 "為什麼你要在乎 ?"教我反思.... 我有時會為與同事相處的問題而不開心, 在競爭激烈的辦工室裡大家顯然變得自保、小心..... 有時會因他人的說話和動作而困擾了、消極了.........
我昨天和一個最相好的同事傾訴時,她說了一句令我稍為醒來.....是那一句 : "其實為什麼你要在乎 ?" 。
對, 對於那些我控制不到的事情便不要再讓它煩擾了,不應放在心裡令自己終日鬱鬱不歡, 實際些吧。與其這樣一去,不如我改變一下自己的想法,不要將這些煩惱放大,只做好自己本份; 無論是喜歡或不喜歡. 別人的喜好我實在管不著.。


May God guide and bless little Tobi..... Tobi, I sure miss u a lots....

懂得和自己相處 就會懂得和別人相處

I like to be alone by myself many times... I enjoy to be alone...

I enjoy meditate, feel like I m trying to understand myself more...

n sometimes day dreaming

dream of something and somewhere i love...

kinda of pleasing myself

I found i very long for others to agree with me

I don't like rely on others..

I would often be more happier if i can give rather than take

but I need very much is other to concern n appreciate me



有時會唸, 如果真係可以放大假,我會做D 乜:
好好咁讀書同 review 返我所有的 interior design notes,
想返祟拜( 真係好耐無返過了,覺得崇拜係可以令人平靜、反思、洗潔心靈既活動),
想畫畫! 係不斷畫、不斷畫........... ( 自工作後真係好少時間同心機拿起筆畫畫,其實好多時都感覺內疚),
想學跳靠/ yoga,
想寫多D 散文,
想Design 一D 自己想 Design 既野,
想隨處 wandering, 隨便就進cafe 坐坐,
想midnight 獨自做 freelance 同睇書,
想睇戲: 《 潛 水 鐘 與 蝴 蝶 》, review Lord of the Ring, Pride and Prejustice....
想煮多D 野同湯俾家人同 Mr Wise 食,
想 have personal space to meditate and develop inspiration,

As a Designer...

As a Designer/Artist. Artwork is the asset! Very Important! The creative and art pieces are exlusively belong to the Artists themselves. I insist and being selfish on this aspect all the time.

Be grateful

Lately my skype and facebook's remark have put on a word- Be grateful.

In such economy situation..many ppls complain for jobless, some murmur for had lost many money, someone maybe been trapped in many problems, no matter financial, health , relationship...
So suddenly reminded me of i have to be even more grateful for i m still living with joy and peace. i still owning a job, family r well n healthy, dogs r gwhy, my bf treats me so nice, everything is smooth .... i should always be grateful for everything i have.

We need to hv the positive mind n faith always. Also, To release more 正能量.

151108 晴, 好開心丫

15-11-08 星期六,晴,真係一個值得開心同紀念既日子!! 彷如實現了兩個小心願!
係我第一本海外訂閱的書,而且係我的藏書中so far 最貴的一本呢,終於收到了,真係好開心。

Interiors: An Introduction, 4/e

Karla J. Nielson, Brigham Young University
David A. Taylor, Brigham Young University

我同Mr Wise 屋企終於多左個新成員- Toby.
點解叫 Toby? 因為個衰豬好鍾意咬我腳趾丫....hee..個名都好襯佢呢。
佢好靚,好shetlie, 好乖好可愛,眼神好 innocent .
見到佢咁乖真係好安慰。希望Toby 可以健康快樂咁成長,開開心心咁陪伴我地生活。

最後,不忘真係要好多謝 Mr Wise :) Love u

Stay In My Memory-by Bim

Lately my good colleague Phoebe, introduced me a song called Stay In My Memory-by Bim. Kinda a touching and comfortable song.


前日星期六晚行街時見到盒好得意既小吉模型、Mr Wise 一見模型話好鍾意 (佢鍾意小吉既原因竟然係話小吉食鐵好特別!haha) , 模型共有6個款式,而每一盒只有一款並要自己抽,裡面其中一隻Mr Wise 係特別鍾意的, 話成隻蜜蜂咁,and then Mr Wise就叫我抽一盒,Dang Dang Dang Dang..........點知真係抽中左Mr Wise 鍾意果 隻丫,好開心! (W, 我都話我係你 lucky star 架啦, :P hohohooo) 就係相中呢隻小吉la !


Mr. Wise 一向都好鍾意 Sheltie、自畢業以來鍾意左十幾年,直至佢認為宜家生活穩定D,多一點 extra time, 所以近日終於決定養一隻了。近日我地都尋尋覓覓搵緊合心水的Sheltie ,唔知幾時先遇到佢呢? : )


對能掌握的事”居安思危” ,而對並不能掌握的事”隨遇而安”。


有些女人很敏感、有時不知應該稱她們為 ingenious、第六感強或是過度神經質.......


