Bailey 仔不知不學已經1歲了! Happy Birthday!
雖然直到而家仲有間唔中瀨了大小便,但我覺得Bailey 已好乖仔。
當無人在家時佢都要stay 係欄裡,但都從無扭計,好聽教聽話好易滿足。
Bailey 性格和善率直,關心人同佢既朋友仔。
姐姐已經收晒貨了,希望Bailey 仔繼續努力繼續乖乖仔la..

Bailey, 祝你係姐姐哥哥、Cobi 身邊既日子都能夠健康快樂。

You can't buy loyalty, they say
I bought it though, the other day;
You can't buy friendship, tried and true,
But just the same, I bought that too.

I made my bid, and on the spot
Bought love and faith and a whole job lot
Of happiness, so all in all
The purchase price was pretty small

I bought a single trusting heart,
That gave devotion from the start
If you think these things are not for sale,
Buy a brown-eyed puppy with a wagging tail.